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K. Nguyen Stories about Pandimun Book


K. Nguyen Stories about Pandimun Book

C. Perrault Cinderella Book - buy, prices for - photo 1
C. Perrault Cinderella Book - buy, prices for - photo 2
C. Perrault Cinderella Book - buy, prices for - photo 3

C. Perrault Cinderella Book

Prices:300.00 — 529.00

The story of Cinderella appeared during the reign of the Sun King Louis XIV, when French taste and fashion conquered Europe. However, the translation of the Ukrainian writer and translator Mia Marchenko and the unusual illustrations of the artist Hala Zinko reveal to us unfamiliar aspects of classical history.

General info

  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturein a dry place
  • CountryUkraine