Products catalogue
Out of stock
rusks Without brand Ukraine
per 1 kg
Tyrolean Bread with Cheese, pc
Chia Omega Bun with Sesame 100g
100 g
Khlibprom Onion Ciabatta 160g
160 g
MillVill Shvartsvald Bread
Rue Bread
Rye Fruit Rusks
Baked With Meat Pies
Bread Perchinka
With Nuts Bread
Hemp Hearth Bread
Hearth Bread with Chia and Flax
Super Grain Bread
MillVill Malt Baguette 250g
250 g
Whole Grain Malt Bread
Butter Pie with Dried Apricots
Bun with Chocolate
Khlibprom Two Cheeses Burekas 120g
Rud Rollini with Berries
Snack Bar Baguette
Campan Bread
Whole-grain Fermento Bun
Rosan with Mushrooms
Rosan with Chicken and Mushrooms
Rosan with Salmon and Broccoli
Rosan with Cheese and Herbs
Chanta Mount Ciabatta 160g
ciabatta Own production 90g Ukraine
90 g