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Кабачки с грибами

Кабачки с грибами

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Cтрана производитель
  • Кабачки, шампиньоны, капуста брокколи, морковь беби, перец болгарский, лук репчатый, растительное масло, соль, уксус бальзамический, приправы.; Без ГМО. ТУ У 10.8-2399317816-001:2018; готов к потреблению
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The word “squash” is derived from “askutasquash,” which literally means “a green thing eaten raw” in the language of the Nahahiganseck Sovereign Nation, the native Americans who controlled the area surrounding Narragansett Bay in present-day Rhode Island, portions of Connecticut and eastern Massachusetts. The squash is versatile. While some require cooking, others, like zucchini, can be prepared in every conceivable way: raw, sautéed, grilled, steamed, boiled, broiled, baked, fried, microwaved or freeze-dried. Easily puréed for soups, cakes, pies and quick breads, it also can be spiced and added to rice pilafs, cubed and grilled on skewers, added to stews and made into famous dishes like ratatouille and pumpkin pie. Served alone or as an side dish, the diverse flavors of squash lend itself to any occasion.

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