Products catalogue
Out of stock
Green Chef Coco&Original Fermented Coconut Drink 240ml
240 ml
Green Chef Coco&Сherre Fermented Coconut Drink with Cherry 250ml
250 ml
Lakito Milk Tube Strawberry 30g
30 g
Selianska Sour Cream 10% 300g
300 g
Green Smile Soy Drink with Calcium 2.5% 1l
1 l
Na Zdorovia UHT Milk-Oat Cocktail 2.5% 200g
200 g
Na Zdorovia UHT Milk-Buckwheat Cocktail 2.5% 200g
Selianske Lactose-free Sweet Cream Butter 72.5% 180g
180 g
Voloshkove Pole Viburnum-Red Currant Glazed Curd Snack 36g
36 g
Ferma Ultra-Pasteurized Milk 3.2% 980g
980 g
Ferma Felata Cheese 45% 230g
230 g
Bila liniya Selected Cream 10% 485g
485 g
Bila Liniya UHT Cream 15% 485g
Bila Liniya Strawberry Yogurt 1.5% 820g
820 g
Bila Liniya Cherry Yoghurt 1.5% 250g
250 g
Premialle Felata Cheese 45% 230g
Bila Liniia Strawberry Yogurt 1.5% 250g
Ferma Sweet Cream Butter 73% 100g
100 g
Ferma Milk Processed Cheese 55% 90р
90 g
Ferma Smetankovyi Processed Cheese 55% 70g
70 g
Ferma with Greens Processed Cheese 55% 90g
Tulchynka Sandwich Paste with Taste of Cheese and Fried Mushrooms 55% 90g
Tulchynka Mozzaretta Pasta Filata Protein-Fatty Product 45% 200g
Ferma Smetankovyy Cheese 50% 180g
Ferma Ultrapasteurized Milk 2.5% 980g
Play Mozzarella Di Buffalo Cheese from Buffalo Milk 50% 80g
80 g
Soloviov Family Farm Sheep Milk 250ml