Products catalogue
Out of stock
Radymo Strawberry Yogurt 1.5% 125g
125 g
Farm Fresh Kefir 2.5% 870g
870 g
Milkovo Kefir 2.5% 380g
380 g
RaDymo Lactoimmun Natural Yogurt with Probiotics 1.5% 270g
270 g
Farm Fresh Selyanske Butter 73% 180g
180 g
Farm Fresh Farm Extra Butter 82% 180g
Komo hard cheese 50% 185g
185 g
Komo Staryi Hollandec Dutch Hard Cheese 45% 150g
150 g
Komo Sour cream Solid Cheese 50% 150g
Pyriatyn Druzhba Processed Pasty Cheese 55% 70g
70 g
Slavia Dutch Processed Cheese 45% 70g
Slavia Druzhba Processed Cheese 55% 70g
Slaviya Cream Processed Cheese 45% 70g
Slavia Ukrainian Processed Cheese 70g
Pyryatin Ukrainian Processed Cheese 45% 70g
Galychyna Chilled Fermented Baked Milk 4% 870g
Galychyna Cottage Cheese Low-Fat 300g
300 g
Khutorok Sour Cream 21% 350g
350 g
Khutorok Sour Cream 15% 350g
Khutorok Cottage Cheese 10% 400g
400 g
Khutorok Cheese Mass with Dried Apricots 15% 400g
Khutorok Cottage Cheese Mass with Raisins 15% 400g
Khutorok Kefir 2.5% 450g
450 g
Khutorok Kefir 2.5% 900g
900 g
Khutorok Ryazhenka 4% 450g
Khutorok Cottage Cheese 10% 200g
200 g
Khutorok Сottage Cheese with Vanilla 15% 400g
Khutorok Kefir 1% 900g