Recipes by cuisine
- european (420)
- italian (70)
- russian (43)
- ukranian (27)
- french (20)
- east (19)
- mexican (13)
- middle east (13)
- english (10)
- american (9)
- georgian (9)
- hungarian (8)
- indian (7)
- chinese (6)
- japanese (5)
- bulgarian (4)
- greek (4)
- spanish (4)
- asian (3)
- azerbaijani (3)
- belarusian (3)
- jewish (3)
- thai (3)
- turkish (3)
- baltic (2)
- brazilian (2)
- german (2)
- moldovan (2)
- moroccan (2)
- serbian (2)
- tartarian (2)
- uzbek (2)
- європейська (2)
- african (1)
- austrian (1)
- egyptian (1)
- irish (1)
- mediterranean (1)
- swiss (1)
- англійська (1)
- грецька (1)
- сербська (1)
- французька (1)
- італійська (1)
Recipes by type of dish
- main dishes (352)
- baking (72)
- appetizer (60)
- first meal (57)
- salad (49)
- desserts (45)
- garnish (25)
- conservation (16)
- cakes (9)
- sauce (5)
- drinks (3)
- другі страви (2)
- випічка (1)
- салати (1)
Holidays and events
- family holiday (621)
- birthday (244)
- new year (175)
- romantic dinner (118)
- may holidays (34)
- party (13)
- valentines day (9)
- christmas (7)
- easter (7)
- сімейне свято (4)
- for every day (2)
- for football (2)
- день народження (2)
- день святого валентина (1)
- на кожен день (1)
- романтична вечеря (1)
- autumn (592)
- summer (590)
- winter (561)
- spring (545)
- vegetarian (54)
- cook for kids (44)
- dietetic dishes (4)
- meatless dishes (4)
- весна (4)
- зима (3)
- літо (3)
- осінь (3)
- готуємо дітям (1)
Dishes of
- meat (173)
- vegetables (167)
- flour (89)
- poultry (62)
- fish (53)
- milk (42)
- macaroni (41)
- cheese (40)
- mushroom (39)
- rice (33)
- kidney bean (30)
- fruit (28)
- eggs (26)
- potatoes (24)
- alcohol (22)
- cream (19)
- pumpkin (13)
- seafood (13)
- curd (12)
- liver (12)
- spinach (12)
- sour cream (11)
- apples (10)
- chocolate (10)
- shrimps (10)
- sausage (9)
- butter (7)
- sugar (7)
- bread (6)
- chickpeas (6)
- honey (5)
- nuts (5)
- cookies (4)
- greens (4)
- groat (4)
- pepper (4)
- squid (4)
- caviar (3)
- ham (3)
- peanuts (3)
- pitta bread (3)
- semolina (3)
- coffee (2)
- kefir (2)
- lentil (2)
- peas (2)
- poppy (2)
- yogurt (2)
- bacon (1)
- berries (1)
- bing cherry (1)
- broad beans (1)
- caper (1)
- condensed milk (1)
- corn (1)
- crab sticks (1)
- dried tomatoes (1)
- garlic (1)
- hazelnut (1)
- jam (1)
- margarine (1)
- oat flakes (1)
- olives (1)
- rum (1)
- tomatoes (1)
- tuna (1)
- борошно (1)
- вершкове масло (1)
- м'ясо (1)
- риба (1)
- цукор (1)
Cooking process
- kitchenrange (621)
- oven (204)
- blender (72)
- refrigerator (40)
- mincer (12)
- mixer (8)
- плита (4)
- freezer (3)
- grill (3)
- microwave oven (3)
- multicookings (3)
- double boiler (2)
- fryer (2)
- мультиварка (1)
- мікрохвильова піч (1)
- міксер (1)
- холодильник (1)