Recipes by cuisine
- european (38)
- європейська (8)
- russian (6)
- french (2)
- italian (2)
- ukranian (2)
- baltic (1)
- east (1)
- japanese (1)
- французька (1)
Recipes by type of dish
- main dishes (29)
- salad (13)
- другі страви (6)
- appetizer (5)
- салати (3)
- first meal (1)
Holidays and events
- birthday (46)
- family holiday (44)
- new year (25)
- romantic dinner (14)
- день народження (9)
- сімейне свято (9)
- новий рік (5)
- романтична вечеря (3)
- party (1)
Dishes of
- fish (46)
- vegetables (14)
- риба (9)
- potatoes (4)
- овочі (3)
- rice (2)
- sour cream (2)
- alcohol (1)
- apples (1)
- butter (1)
- cheese (1)
- crab sticks (1)
- cream (1)
- fruit (1)
- greens (1)
- kidney bean (1)
- milk (1)
- seafood (1)
- spinach (1)
Cooking process
- kitchenrange (46)
- oven (10)
- плита (9)
- blender (3)
- refrigerator (3)
- mincer (2)
- microwave oven (1)
- multicookings (1)
- холодильник (1)