Products catalogue
750 ml
MySmoothie Blueberry Smoothies 0.75l
MySmoothie Raspberry Smoothie 250ml
250 ml
MySmoothie Mango Smoothie 250ml
MySmoothie Strawberry Smoothie 250ml
MySmoothie Blueberry Smoothie 250ml
MySmoothie Pomegranate Smoothie 250ml
30.80₴ - 48.99₴
Jaffa Tropic Energy Mango-Banana-Guava-Passion fruit smoothie 120g
120 g
21.70₴ - 24.60₴
Galicia Apple-Pear smoothie 200ml
200 ml
Galicia Cherry Strawberry Smoothie 200ml
21.30₴ - 24.60₴
Galicia Smoothie Apple-Banana-Mango-Orange juice 200ml
22.00₴ - 24.60₴
Galicia Apple-Peach smoothie 200ml
Cido Mango Nectar 1l
1 l
73.40₴ - 92.90₴
Jaffa Fitness Mango Nectar 0.95l
950 ml
120.90₴ - 147.00₴
Galicia Apple Mango Banana Juice 1l
68.20₴ - 100.80₴
Sandora Mango Nectar 0.95l
64.10₴ - 132.30₴
Galicia Apple Juice 1l
65.30₴ - 86.99₴
Jaffa 100% Apple juice no Added Sugar 0.95l
85.20₴ - 147.00₴
Galicia Apple-Bilberry Juice 1l
17.99₴ - 23.40₴
Galicia Apple Juice 200ml
19.90₴ - 29.10₴
Galicia Apple Blueberry Juice 200ml
94.12₴ - 157.90₴
Galicia Apple-Cherry Juice 1l
66.46₴ - 94.10₴
Jaffa Apple Juice 0.95l
87.90₴ - 162.30₴
Galicia Apple-Blackcurrant Juice 1l
81.10₴ - 87.90₴
Yarmolyntsi Apple Juice without Sugar 0,75l
67.00₴ - 94.40₴
Jaffa 100% Tomato Juice with Sea Salt 0.95l
41.50₴ - 65.30₴
Galicia apple juice 0.3l glass
330 ml
56.99₴ - 75.00₴
Sadochok Apple Juice 0.95l
41.90₴ - 56.99₴
Jaffa 100% Tomato Juice with Salt 250ml
13.00₴ - 25.70₴
Galicia Apple-Pear Juice 200ml