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Seedera Astra Alpine Mix Seeds 0.1g


Seedera Astra Alpine Mix Seeds 0.1g

0.1 g

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Seedera Alyssum Rocky Golden Wave Seed 0.1g - buy, prices for - photo 2

Seedera Alyssum Rocky Golden Wave Seed 0.1g

0.1 g


A bushy perennial, about 15-20 cm tall. Small yellow flowers are gathered in dense inflorescences. Sow for seedlings in April, and in open ground from May to June. Germination occurs in 10-15 days. It is used for alpine slopes, framing flower beds, and creating borders. To extend the flowering period, faded stems should be removed. It blooms in the second year, with a flowering period from May to July.

General info

  • BrandSeedera
  • Manufacturer"Simeynyy Sad" LLC
  • Weight0.1g
  • Shelf life3 years
  • Storage temperaturestore in a cool dry place
  • CountryUkraine
  • Genus-speciesalyssum