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Ivan Andrusiak Detective Gerard's Christmas Cases Book

Georg Volmer Owl Ellie Book - buy, prices for - photo 1
Georg Volmer Owl Ellie Book - buy, prices for - photo 2

Georg Volmer Owl Ellie Book

Prices:269.00 — 346.10

Somewhere out there, in a tree in the branches, rests Ellie the owl. And everything would be fine in her life, but she can't find a friend. At night, when it's time for owl fun, everyone is asleep. And as soon as the sun rises and there is someone who wants to play, Ellie yawns deliciously and falls asleep.... 

But one day the owl meets the one she was looking for - Thea the bat, who was also wandering lonely in the dark. From then on, the two put the night life of the forest upside down. And not even a difference of opinion can keep them apart.

Two very cute stories that will tell you that in this world there is a friend for everyone. You just have to look hard enough. And then not to lose one. Even if that friend thinks the moon is going down. 

Number of pages: 56.

General info

  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturein a dry place
  • CountryUkraine