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Novus Boneless Frozen Cherry 400g

Novus Boneless Frozen Cherry 400g

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Food energy
Made in
  • Pitted cherry.
Product description from producer

Like many berries, cherry not only has an excellent taste, but also contains a large amount of vitamins, minor nutritional elements and organic acids, which have strengthening and tonic effect on the whole body; and due to its low caloric content (52 calories per 100 grams of product) poses a dietary product. However, physicians do not recommend consuming cherries to people which suffer from diabetes and stomach ulcer. Cherry is an ideal berry for people suffering from anemia, since it contains all the hematopoietic elements: iron, magnesium, cobalt, vitamins C, B1 and B6. Tannic substances in combination with vitamin C tonify and strengthen blood vessels, which results in normalisation of blood pressure in people who suffer from hypertension.

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Плоды вишни — овальные костянки, красные при созревании, сладкие (иногда с кислинкой) на вкус, мельче чем у вишни обыкновенной (0,8-1,5 см в диаметре), покрыты маленьким пушком. В зависимости от региона, созревают с конца июня до конца июля, причём на одном дереве практически одновременно; плодоносит вишня обильно, обычно на третий год и до 15-20 лет ежегодно.