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Omega Container Square Transparent 2.1l

Aleana Set for Seedlings - buy, prices for - photo 1
Aleana Set for Seedlings - buy, prices for - photo 2

Aleana Set for Seedlings

Prices:49.99 — 124.00

This kit is suitable for growing seedlings of vegetables and any ornamental plants. The set is designed for multiple use. The set consists of 20 drainage pots and a wide tray, the dimensions of which are 258 x 330 x 60 mm. The design of the tray has a good moisture resistance and does not let water through, so you can use the set at home. The set is made of environmentally friendly wear-resistant plastic in black. The material is of high quality - it does not fade in the sun and does not crack during long-term use.

General info

  • BrandАлеана
  • Manufacturer"Aleana" LLC
  • Volume2100ml
  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperatureno special storage conditions
  • CountryUkraine
  • Forfor seedlings
  • Materialplastic