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Daffodil from Bulb 30x11cm


Daffodil from Bulb 30x11cm

Bromelia Mix 12/40 - buy, prices for - photo 1
Bromelia Mix 12/40 - buy, prices for - photo 2

Bromelia Mix 12/40

Prices:399.00 — 695.00

Bromeliad is an exotic plant from the tropical rainforests of South America. The bromeliad family is very impressive not only for its spectacular and diverse shapes and colors, but also for the huge number of species, which number about two and a half thousand. A huge part of it is made up of epiphytes, which most often grow in leaf axils and on trees.Bromeliad fascinates with its amazing poisonously colored, collected in complex apical inflorescences, chimeric spike-shaped, racemose, headed forms with large bracts.Thanks to its huge, extraordinary, smooth leaves up to 50 cm long, often with a slender run similar to a flower, bromeliad is very popular among florists. And what is important at the same time, caring for it is very simple, it loves moisture very much and therefore there should always be water in the rosette of leaves. The flower itself is tropical, and since there is a lot of forest there, direct sunlight does not fall on it so often. Therefore, bright but diffused light will suit it. If the flower will stand on the north window or in the back of the room, then it is worth organizing a backlight for it. The flower is not afraid of temperature changes, but it feels comfortable and blooms better at temperatures between 17 and 27 degrees. The plant loves fresh air, but it is better to avoid drafts. In summer, bromeliads can be taken out into the garden. Bromeliad is very fond of water, especially during the flowering period, since in its homeland it blooms in the rainy season. In winter, bromeliads can be watered once a week. Rain or distilled water is best for watering. The more often you spray it, the better it is, especially during the flowering period, the humidity should be maintained at 60-80%. You can also install a humidifier or place it on a tray with pebbles and fill it three-quarters full of water. It feels great on any soil, moss and even pebbles. It is desirable for the flowerpot to be wide, but not deep; orchid soil is perfect for filling. You need to feed it once a month, the fertilizer is also suitable for orchids. Bromeliads as bright and unique fairy birds cannot leave anyone indifferent.

General info

  • BrandWithout brand
  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturestore in a cool dry place
  • CountryUkraine
  • Genus-speciesbromelia