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500 First Words We Study Colors, We Develop Attention Book


500 First Words We Study Colors, We Develop Attention Book

650 g

About Magic and Spells The Most Beautiful Fairy Tales Book - buy, prices for - photo 1
About Magic and Spells The Most Beautiful Fairy Tales Book - buy, prices for - photo 2

About Magic and Spells The Most Beautiful Fairy Tales Book

Prices:431.00 — 499.80

All children love tales of magical transformations, evil witches and good fairies. The stories collected by the Brothers Grimm, Clemens Brentano and the French storyteller Madame d'Onois enchant, amaze and teach children to be sincere, generous and brave. Snow-White and Rose-Red, Princess Babiola, Prince Elf, the white cat and other characters come to life on the pages of the book thanks to the magical illustrations. Therefore, these twelve fairy tales will certainly want to reread time after time to return to the atmosphere of magic of the book world. 

Number of pages: 128.

General info

  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturein a dry place
  • CountryUkraine