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Megan Macdonald Judy Moody and the Wish List Book


Megan Macdonald Judy Moody and the Wish List Book

K. Mikhalitsyna Slidopytenyata Book - buy, prices for - photo 1
K. Mikhalitsyna Slidopytenyata Book - buy, prices for - photo 2

K. Mikhalitsyna Slidopytenyata Book

Prices:94.99 — 279.00

This interactive cardboard invites your child to play. Listening to the poem and looking at the pictures, they, like real tracks, have to guess which of the heroes left traces on the snow. Maybe a bird, a cat or a squirrel? A hint will be a window that opens and hides behind this mysterious creature. And after reading this cute book, you can go for a walk: look for traces of animals or birds, do with the parents of snow angels and enjoy the winter.

Age: children 0-3.

Year of publication: 2020.

Size: 18x18cm.

General info

  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturein a dry place
  • CountryUkraine