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Andrii Kokotyuha Exile and Noble Captive Book
1919, Yekaterinoslavshchina. Platon Chechel, a former exiled policeman, serves in Petlyur's intelligence service. Performing a secret mission in the deep enemy rear, Platon finds himself trapped and miraculously escapes from the Whites. But falls into the hands of the Reds ... Now he is one step away from execution. Together with him in captivity young and noble Daria Ilnitskaya. It is terrible to think what threatens her. Therefore Chechel makes a desperate attempt to save himself and the girl and undertakes to investigate the murder of the enemy commander. The price of liberation? A found murderer. Only it is hardly possible to believe the commissar's promises ...
Number of pages: 304.
General info
- Shelf lifeunlimited
- Storage temperaturein a dry place
- CountryUkraine