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Book Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle. A Memoir - buy, prices for - photo 2
Book Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle. A Memoir - buy, prices for - photo 3
Book Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle. A Memoir - buy, prices for - photo 4

Book Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle. A Memoir

Prices:279.00 — 381.10

Jeannette Walls remained silent about her childhood for over twenty years. Then she decided not only to tell her close ones about it but to write a book. Within a few weeks of the release of her memoir "The Glass Castle," Jeannette Walls woke up famous. Now her memories of a large family, unconventional parents, non-standard methods of upbringing and education, and her escape into the "normal" world have been translated into over 30 languages, with a total circulation of nearly 5 million copies. It has received eight prestigious literary awards and has been adapted into a film of the same name.

General info

  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperatureno special storage conditions
  • CountryUkraine