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Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatsis, Annie Mackie. Emotional Intelligence of the Leader Book

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Ayn Rand Atlantis Shrugged Part Two A is A Book - buy, prices for - photo 2

Ayn Rand Atlantis Shrugged Part Two A is A Book

Prices:194.50 — 329.00

Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson is a legendary figure in the football world. He dedicated 26 years to the team, helped it win an extraordinary number of victories, and his resignation was called the end of an era. Ferguson is convinced that there are traits inherent in all winners and companies whose leaders strive for success regardless of the business they are engaged in. In this book, co-authored with entrepreneur Michael Moritz, Ferguson summarizes his own life and professional experience and offers tips that will work equally well on the football field and in any company. Why should a leader keep his distance? How to notice the potential of the most powerful and motivate them to succeed? How self-confidence destroys champions and why the best question after a victory is "How do we achieve the next triumph?".

Year of publication: 2018 

 Language of publication: Ukrainian 

 Cover: hardcover

General info

  • Manufacturer"Nash Format-Internetri" LLC
  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturein a dry place
  • CountryUkraine